Friday, May 4, 2007

Will we ever have a weekend to ourselves again?

It’s been a crazy couple of months for us. We’re normally stay at home, keep to ourselves people and pups. Unfortunately, that hasn’t been working out so well for us lately. First, Michelle’s mom was told that there was nothing more to do to keep her cancer away, and then Jeff’s parents decided it was time to sell his childhood home. Somewhere in the middle of all that, Jeff’s car fell apart and Michelle’s sister and brother-in-law started the process of moving to our city. So, for the last five weekends, and for at least the next five weekends, we have been or will be traveling away from home or having houseguests. It’s been just nuts: a weekend at Michelle’s mom’s house, a weekend in KC to buy a new car, another weekend at Michelle’s mom’s house, then a weekend in St. Louis to see Jeff’s parents and say goodbye to his house, then the brother-in-law came to stay with us for a week, along with the sister on the weekend, and now the sister, BIL and BIL’s mom are coming to spend the night tonight. After this weekend, we’ve got two more weekends in Hays, another trip to KC, and then a wedding in New Mexico to go to. Will it never end? Will the boy and girl ever be able to sleep in on a Saturday again? Stay tuned…


Jackie said...

sounds like a whirlwind time for you and i hope you survive it all ;) so glad you started a blog and can't wait to read more!

Kansas said...

Sleeping in is my favorite! I feel your pain... and will pray for a lazy Saturday to come soon!! :-)