Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Go us!

I believe that today is our one year anniversary of joining the Y. I'm pleased to say we are still members, and that we've gotten into a routine of going at least four times a week and sometimes five. We're both definitely healthier now. I've lost over 25 pounds since joining, plus another 10 or so that I worked off at home in the few months prior to joining, so about 35 in all. Jeff's lost a few pounds too, and is definitely more toned than he's ever been. He still complains about going, but not too much. :) Fang and Errol have maintained their diets this year, too. We're just quite the healthy household of late. I'm proud of both of us for keeping it up and I hope we'll be able to continue the healthy exercise habits the rest of our lives!


emily said...

great job! You did better than I did. I've resigned myself to the fact that it is impossible to go while Parker's little. It takes me making myself go coordinated with someone else watching Parker. The two forces don't seem to align easily. I bought a treadmill instead and have been walking every morning before the guys wake up. We'll see how it goes.

Jeff and Michelle said...

Thanks! I have no idea how anyone with kids finds time to anything for themselves, let alone sneak away to the gym for a couple of hours a few times a week. Perhaps when he's a little older you can start going again and use the child care at the gym, but until then, the treadmill seems like a great alternative! Good luck!

Chuck said...

Congrat's to all of you! I thought I was doing good until I got on the scale the other day and found out despite my pants fitting better I had gained 30lbs! Thankfully its summer time which means lots of fresh food and the ability to cook with less BUTTER! Keep up the good work!

Jackie said...

wow great job! i wish i was seeing as many results. i may not be exercising quite as much but i am getting up early 4-5 days a week to do yoga or walk and i've been eating a lot better and i haven't even lost 5 lbs! argh!

Jeff and Michelle said...

Hey Jak, keep it up! I didn't lose anything for several weeks after we joined the gym, either. I guess your metabolism has to adapt before anything major starts to happen!

Jackie said...

yeah--it's been several months already...i'm treating thyroid disease too which probably has something to do with it but it's still frustrating.

Kansas said...

Nice work!!! My eating habits made the big difference for me!! But it's that darn chocolate addiction that keeps tangling me up!! LOL!! Keep up the good work!!!