Thursday, October 18, 2007

Trauma Center

Last night turned out to be not quite what we expected. We normally go to church on Wednesday nights for dinner at 5:30, then classes at 6:30. So, we proceeded to do that as usual, but there was a huge thunderstorm passing over when we got to church. Jeff, being the gentleman, offered to drop me off under the portico and then go park. He dropped me off and I waited there for him to come in. Apparently he decided to make a run for it through the deluge rather than use the umbrella in the car to keep dry. So, he ran through the rain (as I watched incredulously) and arrived under the portico, hit the dry pavement, and wiped out due to the lack of sole traction from his dress shoes that he wore that day. He slid into a park bench and cut open a big gash right under his knee. So, after getting a nurse from the church to check out the cut, we headed over to the urgent care center in the middle of town. We actually only had to spend a little over an hour there, which was nice. I was expecting to be there for several hours, based on stories from co-workers who had been there for similar injuries. Anyway, they took some x-rays of his hand, which was a bit sore from the fall, and then got him stitched up (6 stitches), showed us the x-rays and let us go. The x-rays were a bit surreal, because they used a little tablet computer to show them on. It was the first time I'd seen x-rays that weren't life sized. Jeff has pretty big hands, and when they showed the x-ray pictures, it looked like a child's hand because of the size of the screen. Everything turned out to be fine with his hand. It's just going to be sore for a while. Anyway, we rounded out the night with a trip to the pharmacy to pick up prescriptions and supplies for recovery, then a quick stop to pick up some Subway for dinner at 8:00, then back home to make cold compresses and watch a couple episodes of Mr. Bean.

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